What’s there to say? I’m a guy. A Husband of one. A Father of six . Eldest brother of six; three boys, three girls.  A student of life and ministry. I like sports. I love to be with people. I enjoy the expression that is music. I have recently taken up running and have been re-introduced to “working out”. I take pleasure in life. I am a Pastor, a communicator and an Evangelist. I am me…a child of God!

So, that’s it. Isn’t it?


Probably not.

If we are what we eat, then I’m a culmination of Chick-fil-A, turkey sandwiches, peanut butter on Granny Smith apples AND Chipotle. I am calories and cravings!

If we are what we do, I am a husband, father, speaker, communicator, evangelist, church planter, sometimes comedian and always on the move.

Simply put…I love living the life that God has given me!  My desire is to live life to the fullest!


A BRIEF BIOunnamed

Andrew Anderson is the Senior Pastor of Country Bible Church in Blair, Nebraska. Originally from Oregon, Andrew is a graduate of Pacific Evangelical School of Ministry with a degree in Ministry, is currently enrolled at Pillar Seminary in Omaha, NE, where he expects to graduate with an MDiv, and has been involved in the local church as a Pastor since 1997.  During Andrew’s time in ministry he has worked with all ages including as a Lead and Senior Pastor, Youth Pastor, College & Young Adults Pastor, Small Groups Pastor, and has been an instrumental part of teaching teams, worship bands, small group ministries, and more.

Passionate about making Jesus’ name famous and changing the way people view God, Andrew is committed to leading a church of devoted sojourners dedicated to being real and relevant in reaching people with the light of Christ.

To learn more about Andrew, visit:




DISCLAIMER: The accomplishments, work, opinions, and views of this site were prepared by or on behalf of Pastor Andrew Anderson in his personal capacity. Any opinions expressed are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of Country Bible Church.